
Youth Ministry Basics: A Technology Dictionary

The world of youth ministry today is driven by technology and a new vocabulary that can be befuddling to many adults. Below is a dictionary of terms of things that youth are using every day.

Twitter: noun
Twitter is a social networking tool. It is also sometimes called a “mini-blog.” Users write a 140 character update about what is happening. Example: “Did you read what Johnny posted on twitter about youth group?”

A 140 character post on twitter. Similar to a status update on facebook. Example, “I found out about advent service because of DCE Bob’s tweet”

RT stands for “re-tweet.” If someone has posted something on twitter that you want to copy, post “RT” with an @username with the original message.

# :
The pound sign is also more commonly known as a “hash tag.” This can be used to identify a certain category, topic or person in which the tweet refers to. Example: “#Messiah is having #pizza tonight at youth group!”

Used for replies on twitter. Example: “that’s awesome @youthesource. I can really use #Lenten ideas.”

Facebook: noun/verb
A very popular social networking tool in which youth can create a user profile, connect with friends, post photos, etc.

Status: noun
Similar to a “tweet,” a status is a short update from the user. Example: “I read on Susies status that she is having hot chocolate and playing in the snow. It sounds like fun!”

Friend/Unfriend: verb
The act by which someone can see your facebook profile. Example” “Johnny Youth Group thought that it was strange to friend old Pastor Tom.”

Wall: noun
A public space on a facebook profile that friends can write comments. Example: “DCE Bob wrote on Johnnys wall to confirm the time of his basketball game.”

Page: noun
A public space on facebook for groups, organizations and celebrities to post information. Example: “DCE Bob created a Messiah Youth Page to keep youth informed of upcoming youth events.”

Like/Dislike: verb
The “like” tab on facebook gives uses the ability to approve of something without posting a comment. It is also popular to comment with the word, “dislike” on items that are negative.

Apps: noun
Nickname for applications. Apps are additional programs, games, tools that can be used on facebook or the iphone. Example: “DCE Bob really enjoyed using the Bible Verse a Day App on his iPhone.”

Text: verb/noun
A text based message sent from cell phone to cell phone. Example: “DCE Bob texted Susie and Johnny to make sure they were still on for dinner after advent service.”

Feed: noun
A running account of what is going on facebook. “Susie saw the youth group Christmas party pictures that DCE Bob posted on her news feed.”

iTunes: noun
An online music store. Example: “DCE Bob couldn’t wait to download the new Chris Tomlin cd from iTunes.”

iPod/iTouch: noun
An electronic mp3 music player. Example: SSusie always brought her iPod on youth trips.”

iPhone: noun
A cell phone/music player/calendar all in one. Made by Apple.

Blog: noun/verb
An online journal. Example: “DCE Bob blogged about the season of advent in his most recent post. He hoped his students would read it.”

Follow: verb
The term follow is used to describe the act of keeping up with someone’s tweets. Example: “DCE Bob and Susie bonded over the fact that they both followed John Mayer on Twitter.”

Post: verb/noun
To upload or update information on facebook, blogs, or twitter. Example: “Susie and Johnny both posted pictures from the youths impromptu snowball fight after Wednesday Night Youth Group.” Or “DCE Bob was reminded of the staff Christmas party when he read Pastor Tom’s post.”

Streaming: verb
Streaming is the ability to listen/watch music or videos online.

Tagged: verb
Identifying someone either in a photo or note on facebook. Example: “Much to DCE Bob’s dismay, he saw that Susie had tagged the photo of him being clobbered by a snowball.”

Google: noun/verb
Google is an online search tool that can be used to get information about many things. Example: “DCE Bob googled the lyrics to his favorite Christmas song to use for his devotion at the Christmas Party.”

Published December 17, 2009

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