
Bible Study: Relationship Case Study: Jesus and the People He Healed

This one-part Bible study considers our relationship with Jesus and our need for healing from sin.

Topics: Biblical Case Studies, Jesus, Relationships

Goal: Students will understand that Jesus considers His eternal relationship with us as more important than physical health or the temporal conditions we are in during our lives.

Student will be able to:

  • Describe the interactions from the texts.
  • Compare Jesus interactions with the paralyzed man, blind man, and bleeding woman.
  • Explain why Jesus may have interacted in that manner.
  • Analyze whether Jesus cares more about their physical health or personal relationship with them.
  • Propose ways in which they can improve their relationships with others based on Jesus’ relationship with the people He healed.

About the author

Mark Cook grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from Concordia University, Nebraska. He currently serves as a DCE at Trinity Lutheran Church in Rochester, MN, in the areas of youth ministry and education. He enjoys singing, playing guitar, camping, backpacking and anything that involves being outdoors and going on adventures with his beautiful wife Libby.
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