
Youth ministry is not meant to be just one more thing for teenagers to do among a huge list of to-do’s and other activities; Our youth ministries are mean to be a place of rest. This article helps us to think through how we can bring Sabbath and rest to our youth ministries.
Sabbath isn't always just a stop, but a "going with". Sometimes rest happens on the go.
Whether you are a paid-worker or a volunteer in ministry, the charge of ministry is draining. Healthy hobbies can be a great ally in ministry and a healthy Christ centered habit.
Jesus didn’t just call his disciples to the hard work before them of ministry. He also called them into rest, into meals, into His Kingdom. In both Jesus calls us to Him to find Salvation.
As we look for Sabbath, looking to God first leads to a quieted soul as he remembers God’s power, strength, and never-ending love.
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