Author: Heather Hardecopf

The “C Word” – Supporting Young People Impacted by Cancer

Cancer can impact teens through friends, family, classmates, and teammates. Sometimes teens themselves get sick. This article is written by Heather who has experienced cancer impacting her life through people she loves to help you support teens who are impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

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Supporting Youth When the Church Gets It Wrong

How do we continue to tell students that Jesus is good when the Church that purports to espouse His teachings, hurts people? Youth leaders should be prepared for responding when young people are faced with sin within their congregation and the larger church. This article helps leaders consider how they might do approach this difficult topic.

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Flexibility in the Face of Adversity

Since March of 2020, COVID has drastically changed how Christians around the world see things. We can trust that through faith, God gives us the character and flexibility to not only face change but to allow it produce strength and hope that does not break. In this article we look at how to help youth face of change and adversity while maintaining our faith and integrity?

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