
Devotion: WHO do you Follow?

As a toddler, I followed my parents.
As a child, I followed my friends.
As a teen, I followed my friends–many of whom happened to be girls.
As an adult, I follow the government and the laws it sets.
And now, I am followed. By my own kids. By my students. By my Facebook and Twitter friends.
Our world is all about following. Everybody follows something. Whether it is your favorite sports team, blog or friend; we follow things we care about and that matter to us.
In the early Church times, people wanted someone to follow. One of the great leaders was the Apostle Paul, who experienced an amazing transformation as he went from an angry murderer to a passionate follower of Jesus. People saw his passion and wanted what he had. They wanted someone to follow and Paul knew they would, so he said to them, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1).
Paul wanted them to know that he was also a follower and that if they truly wanted to follow him then they would have to know that he got his strength from being a follower first. Paul understood that Jesus was the reason for his changed life because he had tasted forgiveness, grace and a fresh start through Jesus’ death and resurrection on the cross.
What about you? Are you a good follower? Our world is obsessed with leadership. Go to any bookstore and you will find hundreds of books on being a better leader. How many books do you think you’d find that would help you be a better follower? I’m willing to bet very few, if any. As Christians, Jesus has called us to be His disciples (followers) and to trust in Him. As you grow in discipleship by being a follower of Jesus, know that you will also be a leader to those around you.
Prayer: Gracious Father. I thank You that You have sent Jesus to free me from my sins that so easily entangle me. Help me to be a better follower as I trust in the promises You have given to me. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

About the author

Grant Carey graduated from Concordia University, Irvine as a DCE. He earned a master’s degree from Fuller Seminary and just earned his doctorate from George Fox University. After serving at churches in Alaska, Arizona, and Nebraska, he now teaches at Concordia, Texas as a professor in the DCE program. Grant loves sports, hanging with his wife and two daughters, working with teens, and Jesus!
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