
Devotion: Cosmic Celebration

Jedi Training Devotions

These devotions tap into the Star Wars mythos in order to creatively engage youth in discussion on what it means to be a disciple for Jesus.
Cosmic Celebration
Text: Revelation 5:11-14
DVD Clip: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Set-up: The second Death Star has been destroyed! The battle on Endor was a victory! Darth Vader turns away from the dark side! All of this leads to a great galactic celebration.
Discussion Question:
  • Why is the victory over evil a cause for celebration?
Read: Revelation 5:11-14
  • What is the reason for the cause for celebration in Heaven?
  • How is Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection tied into this celebration?
  • How is this celebration a “cosmic” one?
  • How do these images help us to celebrate the end-times victory now? How is our own worship a celebration of the One who was, and is, and is to come?
Heavenly Father, thank you for the victory over sin, Satan, and death that you have won for us through Jesus Christ! Even though the final end has not come help us to live faithful lives in the certainty of the victory that you have assured for us through Calvary. In Jesus name, amen!

Published August 14, 2012

About the author

Rev. Jonathan Ruehs is the Associate Pastor in charge of outreach in the campus ministry department at Concordia University in Irvine, California.
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