On Our Way to Easter

by Sally Hiller

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

What wonderful words these are to us who believe that Christ did indeed rise from the dead! The victory is won. We are no longer captive to death and its power.

The greatest of all church festivals is Easter, for without Easter the others would have little significance. In fact, each Sunday is to be celebrated as a “little Easter,” a reminder of the resurrection of our Lord and the gift of eternal life, which becomes ours through Him.

In this resource, you will find many ideas for celebrating this most joyous of occasions. First, you will discover a basic worship experience. Then follow several ideas and suggestions–to be used with this service or separately.

Happy Resurrection! He is Risen!

Download a PDF of the full worship service, On Our Way to Easter.

Published January 25, 2012

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