
Our Christian community that spans times and crosses oceans truly does unite us here and now. In this final devotion that runs parallel to our study on Community, we think about how we are part of the greater Christian Church.
Jesus works through your congregation and your youth ministry to lead you in faith and help you continue to grow up. In this third devotion in the series, we think about how God has given us community in our congregation.
It can be hard to ask for forgiveness for your sin, especially within our family. This second devotion in the Community series helps us think about how we honor our parents as a part of our community with them.
In this devotion tied to the first of our Community Bible Study series, we are reminded God made us to be in community, not on our own. Without others, we miss out on something critical. Yet, throughout Scripture we see how God’s gives us the gift of relationship between believers.
We know that true, deep and even intergenerational Christian community is essential: based on a need that God made us with, and planted deep inside our very essence and being, in His image. God made us for each other and draws us together in His Word and Sacrament. God places us in families, churches, youth ministry and more to meet our need for community
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