
In the final devotion tied to the My Roles Now and for the Future study, we think about how God has empowered us for vocations around your community.
We have many different vocations. In the third devotion tied to the My Roles Now and for the Future study, we are reminded that as children of God, each of us is called to be a Kingdom worker- serving the Kingdom of God with our time, talents, and treasures.
In the second devotion tied to the My Roles Now and for the Future study, we think about how we serve God by intentionally serve our friends.
In this first devotion tied to the My Roles Now and for the Future study, we are reminded that when this world seems hostile, you have been chosen for the vocation of child of God and sent to bring Good News with encouragement, help, and patience to the world.
The theology of vocation is such a gift to all people, but especially to youth. By understanding their lives as a collection of God-given vocations under the larger umbrella of their call to follow Jesus, youth are invited to consider what living a faith-integrated life might look like both now and in the future.
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