
Over 2,000 young adults told us how their families and churches impacted their faith as they grew up. Join us as we share about what parents, church workers, and lay leaders can do now to help ensure our youth have active faith lives as adults.
I’ve found even though I am in college, I make the mistake of judging others based on appearance. Wasn’t that suppose to end in high school? I try not to, but it happens. If that were not enough, I also judge myself based on my appearance. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your […]
Do you ever feel distracted? I know I do all the time. It seems as if I have a good amount of free time and then all of a sudden, I have to rush to do school work or anything else that’s important. Why!? Because I get so easily distracted by TV, video games, hanging […]
We all know as college students how difficult it can be to keep up with current events. I’ll be the first to admit that deciding to pick up that newspaper or turn on the news channel just isn’t as desirable as turning on Netflix and passing away what’s left of the evening with a *insert […]
Last week was homecoming at Concordia University. The theme for this year was “Masquerade” and there was a colorful display of masks to be seen at the dance. Prior to the dance there was an event where everyone who wished to could make a mask for the dance. Fun pictures of classmates in masks were […]
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