Parenting Point: Lists and Love

Have you noticed the wall décor with words that’s popular right now?  Signs covered in phrases done in a variety of fonts?  They can be a pretty neat way of communicating values or ideas besides just decorating your walls.  Here are a couple of lists I’ve seen:

Always tell the truth.

Work hard.

Keep your promises.

Try new things.

Don’t whine.

Laugh out loud.

Always say I love you.

Use kind words.

Do your best.

Be grateful.

Be kind.

Be proud of yourself.

Say please and thank you.

Remember you are loved.

And this one:

In this house:

We do real.

We do mistakes.

We do I’m sorry.

We do second chances.

We do hugs.

We do fun.

We do forgiveness.

We do really loud.

We do family.

We do love.

If you were making your own sign, what would you add?  As you read the Bible, you might enjoy looking for other phrases that highlight the importance of God in your family members’ lives.  From I Thessalonians 5:17-18, we could add:

We pray.

We thank God.

Did you notice that love is on both lists? And it’s the grand finale of both!  Love.  Where would we be without love?  The Bible tells us that God Himself IS love. (I John 4)

Human love can fail us.  We can practically count on it to disappoint us.  Our spouse isn’t perfect.  Our kids aren’t perfect.  Life isn’t perfect.  People and circumstances can let us down.  But God’s love will never let us down.  I Corinthians 8:3 says, “Love never fails.”  God is our Creator, our Redeemer, our Sanctifier.  He loves us more than we can imagine!  God loves our kids even more than we love them!

God’s love for us never changes, never weakens, never takes a vacation.  I absolutely love the passage from Romans 8 (take a look!) where we see more lists— lists of things that we might think could separate us from God’s love.  Can they?  No!  Nothing can separate us from His love.

[bctt tweet=”God’s love for us never changes, never weakens, never takes a vacation.”]

God’s love is more than enough to get us through anything life can throw at us.  We can be secure in His love, knowing that He will never let us down.  We can have hope—an optimism and trust that knows beyond a shadow of doubt that God knows what’s going on in our lives, He cares, and He will help us through it.

We know and are certain of God’s eternal love through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.  His love is shown to us most clearly in the work of Christ. And one day He’ll return and take us to be with Him!  Then there will be no more crying, no pain, no broken hearts.

Secure in the knowledge of His love, we can rest in His love and care, knowing that His love is enough.  We can show love to our family members and the other people in our lives. Like the National Youth Gathering theme from 2013 reminded us, we can Live Love(d)!

About the author

Tawn Bueltmann, a Seward graduate, has served the Church in a variety of ways…. as a Lutheran school teacher, Director of Music, camp Ministry Assistant, and volunteer. She and her husband Kevin have four children. Tawn is blessed to be a “Lyme disease survivor.” Whether supporting her husband in his work, being a stay-at-home mom, working as a paid church worker or as a volunteer, Tawn has found great joy over the years in “serving the Lord with gladness.”
View more from Tawn

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