Day: September 2, 2015

Word One: Open Our Ears, Lord (Pentecost 15B Gospel)

by Alan Klatt Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 15B Gospel. Text: Mark 7:(24-30) 31·37 for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series B OBJECTIVES Participants will: Better understand Jesus’ power as God’s Son. Celebrate Jesus’ opening our ears to His Word. Understand that Jesus can and does open the “ears” of unbelievers through His Word. Be motivated to reach out to others with the Good News. MATERIALS NEEDED Bibles Map of the New Testament Bible Land Paper and pencils GROUP GUIDELINES Form small groups of 6·8 persons. Select as leader the person who...

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Word One: In with God…And Each Other (Pentecost 15B Epistle)

By John Herfurth Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 15B Epistle. Text:  James 2:1-10, 14-18 for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series B OBJECTIVES Participants will know they are accepted by God for who they are, accept others in the same way God accepts them and turn acceptance into action. MATERIALS NEEDED Bibles GROUP GUIDELINES Form small groups of 4-6 people. Choose as leader the person who has visited the most states in the Union. The leader’s job is to keep the group moving through the material and ensure that everyone has a...

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