Month: December 2012

Figuring it Out: Witnessing – As Easy as Posting a Picture of a Cat?

Is there a limit to the amount of baby or animal posts from one individual on Facebook? According to Baratunde Thurston in a comical take on acceptable social media practices, it’s forty-seven. In this radio conversation we hear why certain people shouldn’t share on Facebook and even how we could avoid seeing their posts. What we don’t hear is why people post pictures of kittens and babies. A New York Times marketing presentation breaks down research on the reasons why people share by using social media. Some people in the study share because they know that they will gain...

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Book Review: Hard Questions, Real Answers

Socrates famously stated that the unexamined life is not worth living.  Christians should take this maxim to heart, or at least draw comfort from it.  The idea that Christians should be unthinking about their faith life is both inaccurate and misleading.  While not everyone is called to grapple with Deep Questions About Life, most every Christian experiences at least passing moments when they wonder at more length about certain aspects of their faith and the world around them. Hard Questions, Real Answers by William Lane Craig is intended as a book for these folks.  While it may seem to...

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