
A Litany for Young People

In The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, June is designated as Youth Ministry month. Congregations are encouraged to designate one Sunday in the month as Youth Ministry Sunday. Here is a litany that your church can use on that Sunday.


Leader: As we pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs, we pray especially, dear Lord, for young people, for those who know You and for those who don’t, for those with whom You have blessed our church community and for those not yet a part of Your family. Let us pray to the Lord . . .

Left side: That our teens and their friends would know Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy;

Right side: That they would be equipped to live whole and hopeful lives;

Left side: That they would be encouraged and cared for;

Right side: That their lives would be filled with the love of family, friends, neighbors, teachers, and others who genuinely care about what is best for them.

Left side: Cause their families to be strong, supportive, caring, and loving.

Right side: And bless them with mentors and guides who help them negotiate the challenges of life.

Leader: Lord, bless the young people in this faith community with an abundant measure of Your grace and equip us as church to be a faithful conduit of Your grace and love to them:

Left side: That they would be faith-filled and faithful by the power of Your Spirit;

Right side: That they would live each day blessed and renewed in the assurance of their baptism;

Left side: That they would know Your truth and the freedom that comes with it;

Right Side: That they would grow in Your Word and in its power for life and salvation;

Left side: That these young people would be equipped in sharing and caring for each other within the congregation and out in the broader community;

Right side: Bless them in their love for each other in Christ and through them, cause them to be a blessing with others.

Leader: We pray, Lord, for Your people everywhere:

Men: For the young and the old, for men and women;

Women: For those who know you and for those who don’t;

Men: For those who labor and for those without work;

Women: For the education and training of children and young people growing toward maturity;

Men: For those with homes and for the homeless;

Women: For the well and for the well-being of those who are sick;

Men: For those who celebrate with friends and for the lonely and those who mourn, that they would be comforted.

Women: For the well fed and for the hungry;

Men: For the rich and for the poor;

Women: For victims of abuse and for those bound up in the terrors of addiction;

Men: For those who celebrate freedom and for those who dream of being free;

Women: For people here and for people everywhere;

ALL: For children, youth, young adults, the middle aged, and the old.

Dear God, have mercy and grant all people Your peace for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Leader: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

Published May 2011

Published May 13, 2011

About the author

As the Director of LCMS Youth Ministry, Terry Dittmer seeks to advocate for young people and to empower young people to be God’s people in the world and to empower people to “confess” their faith in celebratory and expressive ways. Terry and his wife, Cherie, have five adult children.
View more from Terry

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