Month: February 2011

Snark, Crackle, Pop Culture: Top 10 Stories of 2010

I am a list-maker by nature. I keep lists of everything: to-do lists, lists of books to read, shopping lists, lists of things I want to do in my free time. As a list maker and a pop culture blogger, you can only imagine my excitement at all of the wonderful “Top Ten of 2010” lists that have come out in the past month. I eagerly gathered all the lists I could get my hands on…lists of the top songs, books, highest paid actors, best places to live. Each one of these lists provides a unique snapshot into our...

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Questions for God: My friend is gay, now what?

This is a difficult, confrontational and complex topic. I am not going to address the entire issue of homosexuality in this short article, rather I will focus on the relational aspects of the issue. To put it a different way , I will be discussing how you can respond to a loved one when they tell you they are gay. Some of you will probably think I don’t go far enough in what I write, others of you may think I go too far. And I’m okay with that. Hopefully it sparks more conversation. It is important to affirm...

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On Campus: So There’s This Guy…

On a Christian Campus So, there’s this guy. He’s pretty much the most amazing guy ever. He’s caring, sensitive, talented, intelligent… the list literally goes on forever. He’s absolutely perfect. And do you want to know the best part? He’s in love with me! He tells me I’m beautiful, he wants to marry me, and He loves me so much he would die for me—He has, in fact. You see, we kind of have a long distance relationship; He’s currently sitting at the right hand of His Father, but we’ll be together soon. In the meantime, He writes love...

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Book Review: Together with all Creation: Caring for God’s Living Earth

Together with All Creation: Caring for God’s Living Earth, A Report of the Commission on Theology and Church Relations I was excited to read the CTCR’s publication of a Biblical (and Lutheran) understanding of our relationship to the rest of creation around us. This is a major issue in our society today. It’s nearly impossible to pick up a paper or watch a newscast without hearing something about global warming, recycling, environmental responsibility, and many other iterations of this same theme. There are those for whom care of the earth has become essentially a religion, the primary filter through...

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