In this final devotion, we are reminded that God remains faithful to all His promises from generations to generations.
When I find myself doubting my identity as a child of God, I turn to God’s Word to be reminded. In this devotion we are reminded that God'...
We need to talk about why spiritual practices and living out our vocation is important. In Jesus, teens have something worth sacrificing for...
God's plans might be different than we expect them to be. In this devotion we are reminded that we can trust God's plan will be better than ...
In this first devotion in the series, we are reminded the Lord is faithful to us in our times of waiting.
This four part study for Campus Ministries or Young Adult Groups talks about how the meaning of life is found in our creation, redemption, v...
In this four part study, we look at Old Testament stories where God showed His faithfulness, even in ways it wasn't expected. Through this s...
Anxiety is prevalent in our world today and can often feel disruptive to lives, plans, and relationships. But what is anxiety, really? Why d...
This devotion reminds us that just like He did for David, God has a plan and a purpose for us all.
This devotion reminds us that God guides and delivers us, even when we experience trials.
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