Adolescence is a time when young people are discovering their identity and planning for what life may bring. Vocation plays an important role in applying their faith and using their God-given gifts and skills. Vocation describes more than a job, but encompasses every way that God uses His people as His hands and feet. Youth have vocations in their home, church, community, school, the workplace and beyond. Over time, teens engage new opportunities and relationships, allowing them to share the Gospel in a variety of growing vocational roles. Each stage and vocation can make a significant impact by as youth locate their unique role in their communities and understand the satisfaction and joy in the Christian life. The teaching and living out of vocation can help youth to see any contribution they make as an act and gift from God and connect them to the community of believers. Living out vocation encourages interaction across age gaps, and with believers and non-believers alike. In these relationships they can display warmth, challenge, and grace as shown to them by their congregation. Healthy congregations can be incubators for future church workers by providing support, encouragement, and foundational training to youth.

For You

  • What are your vocations? How does God use you in daily life to love others and share the Gospel?
  • How can understanding and identifying vocational roles help youth to live out their faith in everyday life?
  • Who do you know that might make a good future church worker? How can you encourage them to consider that vocation?

For Youth Ministry Leadership

  • How does your youth ministry recognize and train young people in using their specific gifts in service as they grow in maturity and ability?
  • Are young people trained to understand how serving well in their current vocations (son, daughter, student, musician, athlete, employee, etc.) is a way to serve others in Jesus’ name and bring glory to God?
  • Are young people trained to understand how their current vocations translate into future vocations and service in the world?

For Congregational Leadership

  • How can teaching and living out vocation help create intergenerational connections in the congregation?
  • How does your congregation recognize and celebrate God-given gifts in individual members of His family?
  • Are young people encouraged to see how both mundane and special service are done in honor to God and service to our neighbor?
  • How can the congregation encourage youth to consider church work as a future vocation?