Month: September 2005

Skit: The Identity Expo

Casting about for an identity that “works” during the teen years is terribly hard. Wouldn’t it be easier if identities could be bought and sold across counter tops? If being all you could be only meant purchasing a few items at the big Identity Expo? The characters in this skit try to do just that, and in the process learn that the “basic must haves” of anyone’s identity come free.

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The Rest of the Week–The Professional’s Responsibility

Much research has been and is being done on the fostering and formation of faith. The research clearly speaks to the role of the faith community in this process. When youth ministry is done well, it seeks to enlighten the faith formation of youth, which includes the active engagement of the entire faith community, but most importantly, the youths’ parents. This article talks about going beyond the pizza and fun to build a family-focused youth program for your congregation.

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