2023 Winter

The Habits That We Make: Parents

We all have harmful habits, even in our churches. This article helps us think about how we might have habits where parents are not growing in their own Biblical education or even expecting the church and its workers to be the primary teachers of the Christian faith for their children. By identifying these kinds of habits, we can see how we might change them.

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The COVID-19 Pandemic: Change or Experience?

As youth workers, we need to remember that this cohort that experienced the COVID pandemic during their younger years experienced it differently than adults. Through research, Dr. Tina Berg has been able to identify key learnings that can help us care for young people, particularly confirmands, in the wake of the pandemic.

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Study – Content in Christ

In this day and age it seems hard to find contentment. Social media has many of us comparing ourselves to others and finding ourselves lacking in one way or another. The Bible has much to say to us about contentment as well as where striving after the things of this world can lead. This study helps to talk to youth about their contentment in Christ.

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Beyond the Flannel Graph: Exploring the Big Picture of the Bible

Kids who grow up in Sunday School are often accustomed to re-visiting the “classic” Bible heroes, which often involves a bit of scattered variety of stories that lend themselves to cute crafts and dramatic puppet shows. This trend works on a short-term basis but our task is to help students see God’s big picture in Scripture and how God continues to use it to impact and influence our lives now.

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