This story of the wise and foolish builder explores the themes of joy, identity, humility, community, and standing in Christ.

Download the 5 parts of this drama:

In Christ Alone Our Joy is Found

In Christ Alone Rests Our True Identity

In Christ Alone We Find True Humility

In Christ Alone There is Joy in Community

In Christ Alone We Stand Again



  • Minimalist: use cardboard boxes or ladders or simple chairs and tools to represent the different houses and objects used in the skits.
  • Full-Scale: build simple backdrops that can be “added” to with each lesson, “building” the houses as the lessons progress.


  • Modern: the actors wear their every-day clothes, or use certain colors or prints to interpret different cultures or areas of the world.
  • Biblical: the actors wear Biblical costumes, despite the modern wording of the scripts, adding a simple comedic feel to the parable.

Key Terms

  • BEAT: this word indicates an emotional or physical transition in the dialogue.
  • Lights up: when using physical lighting, this term indicates when the stage lighting is “up,” or lit to full capacity.
  • Lights down: when using physical lighting, this term indicates when the stage lighting is “down,” or off completely.