Tag: Transitions

We’re All in This Together: How to Hand-off Well in Youth Ministry

Congregations should be thinking about how we help young people transition from their first Sunday school class through into adult ministry. In youth ministry, we specifically think about how we transition junior high youth and confirmation into high school, and championing the supportive adults who get to care for them next. We can help our young people stay engaged in God’s Word, excited for the adventures that await them in their next stage.

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Loving Youth When Transitions Are Vulnerable

As youth leaders, we know that transitions can be vulnerable. We should not be passively waiting on the other side of the transition, the new phase of life, hoping that they make through with their faith. This article talks about how to walk with them through the valley, through the newness, through the changes and connect them to the God who does not change, who is always faithful.

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Flexibility in the Face of Adversity

Since March of 2020, COVID has drastically changed how Christians around the world see things. We can trust that through faith, God gives us the character and flexibility to not only face change but to allow it produce strength and hope that does not break. In this article we look at how to help youth face of change and adversity while maintaining our faith and integrity?

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We’re Not Adults Yet: A Guide to Loving High School Seniors Well

We have the joy and privilege to be there and walk with our students through some of the most formative years of their lives. Many of our high school seniors are preparing for graduation and what comes next. Here are five ways you can make sure to care for your seniors as they transition.

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Start a Conversation about…College Prep

Transitions such as graduation are critical moments where congregations and parents can support a young person’s relationship with Jesus as they find a new church home or establish a new, adult relationship with their existing congregation. This talk sheet give you some direction on how you can form a discussion around the transition to college with your high school students.

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