We know how talented our youth are, so why shouldn’t we show them off to the rest of the congregation and make a few bucks to boot? Hold an event for the congregation that showcases the different performing talents of members of your youth ministry. You can charge admission, sell a variety of coffees and other refreshments, and sell some baked goods, as well. In keeping with the coffee house theme, you can have kids recite original poetry, sing some songs with acoustic guitar and even display and sell some original artwork. some other ideas that could be incorporated into the event is Christian karaoke. Perhaps you could even get your audience involved, as well. be sure you’ve got a lively youth host or hostess to introduce the acts, and to keep the evening flowing. And don’t forget to have plenty of publicity about the event for which you are raising funds, things like “thank you” flyers on the tables and signs promoting the event to take place.
from DCE Mark Engelhardt